Today we were on location at a church where Dot and her friends discover a new twist in the mystery surrounding her father. But Dot Conner wasn't the only one with a mystery on her hands: our production team faced one of their own.
Due to a mixup, we were without an important part of our plan for the location. The church we were filming in has a beautiful set of stained glass windows which would provide an incredible amount of production quality to our shots except for the fact that we had no sunlight due to the rain clouds overhead. Our solution was to place our largest production lights inside of a parking garage across the alley and shine them through the windows.
The problem, though, was that we had permission to place lights in the wrong garage. Which meant when we arrived this morning we didn't have the one thing that would make the location come alive. But that's exactly what filmmaking is: solving problems. The mystery in front of us was how to light the stained glass windows, or really if we were even going to light them at all.
Director Andrew Huff personally visited the building next door to see what it would take to access the parking garage. After going through two employees to reach the manager, then a phone call followed by a text message and another visit to the office, we had permission! Our lights went into the garage and the effect was spectacular. We can't wait for you to see how beautiful the church turned out.
Of course, getting the lights into the garage took time, and we had a whole cast and crew waiting around. So in the meantime, we worked on blocking (where the actors stand, how they move, and what they do), running lines, and deciding camera angles. Once we were able to start rolling the cameras, we made as much efficient use of the time we had left as we could. Of course, there was always more we could've filmed, but that's a truth in filmmaking for another post.
We also had a blast with our first full scene featuring our two key villains: Viktor and Anton. They are going to be absolutely hilarious. Think Harry and Marv from the holiday classic Home Alone. Here's your first look:

These guys mean serious business.
Okay, maybe not serious business, but business nonetheless. 😂