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Post-Production Begins!

It's still hard to believe that we managed to pull off an 18 day film shoot with such a talented and amazing cast and crew and few if any major mistakes. Remember the day it rained on us and we only got one take of a scene? Turns out that one take is totally useable in the film! From getting the lights into the parking garage to rain not messing up any other important scenes, one thing has been clear from the beginning of this process:

God has been with us.

We cannot give Him enough praise for His blessing on this movie. And that goes for the blessing of our investors as well!

As post-production begins, we do find ourselves setting out to raise additional funds. The budget we were able to secure only got us to the end of production but we will need additional investment to complete the movie and get it ready for distribution (not to mention developing a marketing campaign). So, while we were still in production we put together a special video to reinvigorate the fundraising campaign (which is still ongoing, btw). Before we release it publicly, we wanted you to have a first look!

Watch the video all the way through to the end for a special surprise... 😉


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