When filmmaking for an extended period of time, there is always the chance things don't go your way. Yesterday's shoot was a perfect example of this. For the first part of the day, things were going well. We were getting everything we needed to get, despite the occasional interruption from cars and pedestrians while filming outside.
And then came the downpour...
We only had time to get one take of a pivotal scene before we had to duck under the tent. Unfortunately, the rain didn't look like it would let up before our day had to come to an end, so we made the unfortunate call to wrap and send everyone home.
So what does that mean? Reviewing the footage, we've determined that it's possible what we captured would be sufficient, though as creatives we're obviously always wanting to make it perfect and not just sufficient. But our budget doesn't allow for any contingency days with the cast and crew. At the same time, we've got some days where we could potentially plug in a reshoot. So today (Sunday, which is technically our off day) we're focused on coming up with a solution.
As we go into this week, we have some more exterior scenes that are important to the film and the weather forecast is looking potentially dire. Pray we don't get rained out of any more days!